Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Quick See Ya From the USA!!

Hey Ya'll! We got permission tonight to email home before we leave to France! So I though I would take some time before I go to just let you all know how much I love you and appreciate you. I also want you to know how much I love this gospel. I know that the church of Jesus Christ is true. I know that the work I am doing is the most important work in the universe! I am so humbled at the opportunity to be able to tell people all about how amazing the gospel of Jesus Christ is! I know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ anything wrong or unfair in the world can be made right and that with the Atonement of Christ we can become clean and can live with our family forever. I am grateful for the knowledge that Heavenly Father hears and answer my prayers and is always willing to watch out for me and help me to grow and progress closer to the woman that he and I have covenanted to become. I am grateful for the mission and how much I have grown so far. My mission has been one of the hardest things I have ever done yet one of the most rewarding. I have grown so much and am watching myself continually grow and that is something I am so grateful for. I am also so grateful that this mission isn't for me! I love that this mission is the opportunity to serve the Lord and to help his children. 
I love this gospel, I love my famly, I love you all and am so grateful for ya'll.

Keep the faith!

💗Sœur Keagan Robb💗

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